What our Customers say...

Commercial Testimonials

We were thankful to be able to get right back to work. Very much appreciate what a nice job the technicians did and how quickly they worked.

We certainly hope nothing like this ever happens again, but we will also certainly be calling you if it does.

Thanks for working with us and being so flexible on scheduling to allow us to continue operating while the work was finished.  You guys really know how to work with businesses that need to keep their doors open. And the odors are completely gone. Our customers would never have known there was a problem. 

You certainly exceeded our expectations with getting us back in business so quickly, and your crew was very polite and professional.  

Thank you once again SERVPRO of Glen Cove / Jericho for your generous donation to our food drive. We know we can always count on you to contribute. Have a wonderful and safe holiday Season.

Thank you SERVPRO for sending out a crew to clean up the mess that was left by my tenant that moved out of the apartment. Your team a great job and we will definitely use you again in the future.